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Product outline

Design and produces half of raw materials for industrial fields such as petrochemical, synthetic chemistry and catalytic chemistry.
The operating methods are classified as batch, half-batch (batch type), flow type (flow type), and continuous type.
Structural types are tubular reactors, tower reactors, stirred tank reactors, and fluidized bed reactors.


  • Various chemical resins
  • Food
  • Restrictions


  • Excellent heating effect and cooling effect.
  • Available to control Rotation speed and operation temperature.
  • Agitator can be disassembled and assembled.
  • Applicable CODE / STANDARD:
    - KS / JIS
    - ASME "U" Stamp
    - CSEL (China Special Equipment License)
    - KGS (High Pressure Gas Safety Control Acts)
    - KEMCO (Revising the Energy Utilization Acts)
    - KOSHA (Occupation Safety and Health Acts)